I remember my mother bringing one of those little Advent calendars home every year and how excited my sister and I would get over opening the next little door. We made a big production out of it, always after we ate our supper and the dishes were done, we would head over to the little calendar and take our turn opening the door. One night I got to open, one night Linda got to open and I think even one year Mom took a turn opening the little doors. That was such a simple little *tradition* yet we looked forward to it every year.
We did the little Advent calendar for our kids as well, only by then it seemed it was impossible to find the calendars like we had, the ones with the little pictures behind the door. All we could find were the ones with candy behind the door. Mom came up with the idea to make our own one year so Jake and I spent the day making a cloth one right after Thanksgiving that year. We sewed little squares onto a panel and Jake took a marker and numbered the days on each square. Next we made little clothespin reindeer or snowmen to add to each square, that worked very well that year and it gave us some mother/son bonding time together. He remembers doing all that and even remembers how to make the little clothespin reindeer and snowmen.
I have a few of those left that I use as decorations on the tree now. Each time I pull those little clothespins out, I remember the day when my little boy WAS a little boy and we sat together making those little things. What wonderful memories for me. Jake tells me he remembers that day every time he sees those little worn ornaments as well and since that is what I was hoping would happen, mission accomplished.
Anyway, be sure to head over to Craig's blog and read his series, you will not be disappointed. While you are there, be sure to click the *follow* button, he always has some awesome posts over there.
Enjoy and blessings to each and every one of you!

Hmm...I'll have to check that blog out. Sounds interesting.
I've always wanted an Advent calendar. Friends had them growing up so I wanted one too. Never got one though.
How cool that you made your own! Very creative and a nice bonding experience with your son too!
Hi Groomer Angie,
Thanks for passing that story on. if your (just about) grown son lives near you, you must be a good Mom! My Parental Unit's pretty good too.
When you get a chance, check out my blog at: www.boccibeefs.blogspot.com.
Hang out for awhile and look around, comment, become a "Follower", enjoy! I just became a 'Follower of your blog....
I love your Advent story.. those are the memories that make the Holidays special.. Merry Christmas Angie!
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