Things around here have been just crazy, of course, that's nothing new, my life seems to always be crazy. I have been trying to get over here to post something since we went to the Chattanooga dog shows.
First things first, Silverwood in Orlando was AWESOME! Tiring, but awesome! For those of you reading that aren't members of the wonderful family of Bull Terrier fanatics, Silverwood is THE premier show for Bull Terriers! This year the shows ran from Oct. 9-12 in sunny Orlando, FL. The week includes the BTCA (Bull Terrier Club of America) National Specialty and all it's classes, and it also includes the Silverwood Competition, which in short, is the best American Bred Bull Terrier. Bullies and their owners come from all over the US, Canada and beyond. It is truly the best of the best. I was in heaven being surrounded by all those beautiful dogs and their crazy, just as beautiful owners. My puppy, Pappy, didn't show in Silverwood, but did pretty well, ribbon wise, in the National. He got first in his classes, but being a puppy, and acting like a little monkey most of the time in the ring, we didn't advance to the next round. Still I am very happy to have the ribbons. He has some growing up to do and when he does, I have high hopes for this brindle tornado I call my baby. Below is a shot of him with his litter sister, Callie-Claire, and one of his litter brother, Winston. It was like a family reunion for us, 3 of his litter mates were there, a half sister, his dam, his sire, his grandmother and a great aunt were all there. AND they are all raw-fed!! Pappy is a 4th generation raw fed baby, why do you think he looks so good?!

Pappy (L) & Callie-Claire (R)

Pappy & brother, Winston
Vicki and Janice should be proud of the babies they have produced, they are beautiful, of course, I could be just a bit biased. ;) Pappy had a ball in the hotel room, he loved that big old king sized bed, I couldn't resist a couple of shots of him playing on it! This one cracks me up, this boy is a riot!
This is one of my favorites, the little monkey! ;)
I did so enjoy visiting with my friends, Janice & TraceyBelle (Pappy's half sister) from NJ, Melissa and John (Pappy's sire), of course, Janice & Vicki & their crew from TN who bred this beautiful boy and graciously allowed me to have him. I got to meet our Canadians, Marty & Suz, who threw a fun filled Canuck Party to get the week off to a great start. I finally got to meet Dede in person, we've "talked" online & she is just as sweet as I thought she would be in person! She has 2 great blogs as well, (her cooking blog) & check them out, you'll find some wonderful writing & some awesome recipes on them. I got to meet Linda & her babies, (what a nice lady she is). Those are just few of them, if I listed them all, this post would never end. So suffice it to say, I had a great time & wish like crazy that I could make it next year, just don't know since it's in San Jose, CA next year.
Anyway, I leave you with a picture of Darla after a long day waiting for her Color Doppler Heart testing to be done, we waited for a long time & she was ready for bed, can you tell?

Bullie kisses to you all,