I hope everyone one had a wonderful Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much. I certainly enjoyed the much needed time off.
Holidays are such busy times for us groomers, seems there is hardly enough time to do much of anything but work and sleep. But the puppies have to look good for Christmas and Santa.
If you haven't already scheduled your Christmas appointment, I suggest you do so very soon, I am already beginning to fill up and would hate for someone to not be able to get an appointment.
I did get to spend the entire last weekend with my son! I went to DC for the weekend and he stayed with me the whole time, something he normally doesn't do. Of course, I think it had alot to do with me letting him drive everywhere too. ;) Kids and learner's license....I think I found a few more gray hairs by the time I headed back to Bristol.
I took this picture of him with my baby Bull Terrier, Darla.
Enjoy and remember, get your appointment early.
Hugs & treats to you all.