Since I didn't post yesterday, thought I better get it done today & give everyone a 2 for 1 post. Both days were really busy & I was worn out by the time I got back home. Yesterday, (Monday) was a pretty good day. I started off with one of the cutest Yorkies! She is left long, & her owner takes such great care of her coat, I have never seen even the littlest knot in her. She gets so excited when I pull out the bows & bandana & will just sit there real still so I can get her topknot up. After that, I went to an 18 year old Cocker's house, she is such a sweet dog, & still gets around great for a dog that age! Cassie, the cocker, also has a cat that lives with her, Riley. Talk about funny! This cat is a riot! He nosed around in the bathroom while I was grooming Cassie, watched what I was doing, sticking his nose in all my bags & boxes, then jumped up on the table while I had Cassie in the tub, & made himself at home. He layed there grooming himself & when I got ready to put Cassie back on the table, I just moved Riley over...well THAT did not go over well, Riley didn't appreciate being moved, that was HIS table he informed me!! He proceeded to swat Cassie, then me, & followed that with a bite to both of us! He didn't break skin on me or Cassie, but he did hurt! I ended up having to "kick him out" of the bathroom, just to get Cassie finished. haha By the time I got done with her, Riley was over his mad & back to being sweet. I told you this cat was a riot!
Today, I got to do the sweetest, most well-behaved Poodle puppy! Pongo stood there like he has been getting groomed for years & it was only his 2nd grooming! I gave him a "Summer Clip" the one with the Pom Poms on the legs & he looked so cute! I hope to get him in my album on my site tonight, if I can stay up that long. LOL
Until next time.........
Feel free to comment or post pictures.
Puppy Hugs,
There’s nothing quite like a whole new life.
6 months ago